Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Training Models

Model Training and Rehearsal

Models typically received a photo training manual at least 24 hours in advance. This manual contained both written instructions and sample pictures drawn from two different existing databases (the JACFEE1 and Karolinska2 sets). We requested that models practice for at least an hour prior to their appointment, whenever possible.

Before beginning with the actual photo session, we made sure that models were able to make the expressions as requested by leading them through warm-up and refinement training exercises. This rehearsal session typically lasted 30 minutes. This allowed us to assess the initial capabilities of the models and to get an idea of which expressions would need more time and effort during the photo shoot. It also allowed us to try several different "tricks" that we developed, beyond the DFAT instructions, to elicit the tagret AUs. Some of these tricks worked better than others, but which ones were best really depended on the individual. Some people responded better imagery-based tasks, for example, while others were more assisted by physiology-based instruction. If you have further comments/questions about our coaching/training procedures, be sure to add a comment.


1. Biehl, M., Matsumoto, D., Ekman, P., Hearn, V., Heider, K., Kudoh, T., & Ton, V. (1997). Matsumoto and Ekman's Japanese and Caucasian Facial Expressions of Emotion (JACFEE): Reliability data and cross-national differences. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 21, 3-21.

2. Goeleven, E., De Raedt, R., Leyman, L., & Verschuere, B. (2008). The Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces: A validation study. Cognition & Emotion, 22, 1094-1118.

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